Beatitudes Giftshop Leithfield
The Beatitudes gift-shop is located in the Sanctuary of Fourvière at 67 Leithfield Road, Leithfield
Opening hours: TUESDAY - SATURDAY 10am - 4pm and SUNDAY 1pm - 1:30pm
The shop has a range of Rosaries, books, medals, cards and more.
Sacred Grounds coffee is also available and a very lovely coffee lounge with free WiFi available.
All sales support the life and mission of the Community of the Beatitudes in New Zealand!

Online Shop
The online shop specialises in Catholic Creations, Clothing and Gifts. You can shop by clicking HERE or on the picture below...
Some proceeds from sales at Cathilc Creations Clothing and Gifts supports the Beatitudes Community and their New Zealand Apostolate.
Also check out:
Beatitudes Community gifts and souvenirs
Sanctuary of Fourvière gifts and souvenirs