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"Immersed in the eager expectation of the return of the Lord, we blend our voices with the heavenly liturgy of the angels who glorify the Most High without ceasing: " He Tapu! He Tapu! He Tapu! te Ariki te Atua o nga taua, kI tonu te rangi me te whenua i tou karoria!!"
The Liturgical life of the Sanctuary
Fostering the Liturgy is one of the primary roles of a Catholic Sanctuary. Here at the Sanctuary of Fourvière, great care is taken to ensure that exemplary liturgical celebrations are the norm. Beautiful music, art and incense assist the pilgrims to raise their hearts and souls to God and to contemplate the mysteries as Mary did, pondering them in the depth of their hearts.
The Sacraments
EUCHARIST: The Eucharist is the climax and pivot of all pastoral activity in Shrines and Sanctuaries. The Sanctuary endeavours to ensure that pilgrims from diverse places should return comforted in the spirit and edified by the liturgical celebrations.
CONFESSION: For many, a visit to a shrine is a good opportunity to on which to avail the sacrament of Confession. Confessions are held both at set times and available by appointment. Contact Fr Pierre-Marie: abounapm@gmail.com or Fr Gregoire Vidal: vidalg128@gmail.com
ANNOINTING of the SICK: It is proper to the liturgical life of a Sanctuary to provide for the communal celebration of the anointing of the sick, especially on the occasion of pilgrimage to the shrine. This sacrament involves the laying of hands and anointing with the formula to each sick person in the group with the prayers recited by the priest.
OTHER SACRAMENTS: It is only in exceptional circumstances that other sacraments are performed at the Sanctuary. It is the norm for those seeking the sacraments of initiation, orders or marriage to approach their parish in the first instance.
The Beatitudes Community
Links to the story of Fourvière and the first Catholic mission
As a Sanctuary, Fourvière upholds the tradition of popular devotions, including processions, candle light vigils, the rosary and more. Because the Sanctuary honours the journey of the Gospel to the people of the Pacific and in particular Aotearoa New Zealand, particular attention is payed to the characters of this first mission. These include Bishop Pompallier, St Peter Chanel and the Marist brothers that came with him on the first voyage from France as well as the Venerable Suzanne Aubert who ministered to both Māori and the early European settlers to New Zealand.
Liturgies will regularly employ the use of Te Reo Māori and songs in honour of St Peter Chanel and Suzanne Aubert with a view to inspiring pilgrims to become missionary agents in their own families and communities.